
An injection environment is, in a nutshell, a container for injectable components. These injectable components can be retrieved in two ways:

  • Via the get function, which retrieves the component identified according to the given parameter

  • Via the createInjector function, which returns an Injector that is able to retrieve injectable elements using a Kotlin property delegator.

Guarantees (or lack thereof)

Internally, injection environments can use whatever mechanism they want. No guarantees are given on the mutability or stability of the returned components -- it is up to the implementation of the injection environment to provide such guarantees.

All implementations should clearly state their characteristics in their documentation:

  • Lazy or eager object creation

  • Lazy, eager or active object injection.

  • Idempotent/Immutable, NI/Immutable or NI/Mutable (NI = non-idempotent).

Here are the templates that should be used:

  • Object creation

    • Eager object creation. Objects are created upon construction of this environment.

    • Lazy object creation. Objects are created upon first use.

  • Object injection

    • Eager object injection. Objects are injected upon calling the injection method.

    • Lazy object injection. Objects are injected upon first use, and are only computed once.

    • Active object injection. Objects are re-injected at every use.

  • Mutability

    • Idempotent/Immutable. Objects cannot be replaced, injection methods will always return the same thing.

    • NI/Immutable. Objects cannot be replaced, injection methods will not always return the same thing.

    • NI/Mutable. Objects can be replaced, injection methods will not always return the same thing.

Companion object

The bridge between the DSL and environments is made via a InjectionEnvironmentKind object. This object can be passed to the guru.zoroark.tegral.di.dsl.tegralDi function to determine the environment that should be built.

Implementors should have a companion object that implements InjectionEnvironmentKind, allowing for easy usage within the DSL. For example:

class MyInjectionEnvironment : InjectionEnvironment {
companion object : InjectionEnvironmentKind {
fun build(context: EnvironmentContext): MyInjectionEnvironment {
// ...
// ...

tegralDi(MyInjectionEnvironment) {
// ...



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abstract fun <T : Any> createInjector(identifier: Identifier<T>, onInjection: (T) -> Unit = {}): Injector<T>

Creates an Injector that can be used as a property delegator, bound against the given identifier.

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open fun <T : Any> get(identifier: Identifier<T>): T

Gets the component identified by the given identifier. No guarantees are given on this function - it may not be idempotent, depending on the actual implementation.

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inline fun <T : Any> InjectionEnvironment.get(qualifier: Qualifier = EmptyQualifier): T

Gets the component identified by the given type turned into an Identifier with an optional qualifier. Throws an exception if no component with this identifier exists.

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Returns a sequence of all the known identifiers present in this environment.

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Retrieve the fundef wrapper for the given function, or throw an exception if no such fundef could be found.

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abstract fun <T : Any> getOrNull(identifier: Identifier<T>): T?

Gets the component identified by the given identifier, or null if no such component exists. No guarantees are given on this function - it may not be idempotent, depending on the actual implementation.

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inline fun <T : Any> InjectionEnvironment.getOrNull(qualifier: Qualifier = EmptyQualifier): T?

Gets the component identified by the given type turned into an Identifier with an optional qualifier. Returns null if no component with this identifier exists.