
This classed is used to build a lexer state (LexerState) using a DSL, and is used inside a lambda-with receiver. It also defines high level functions for constructing matchers, such as anyOf or matches, and using custom matchers with the + operator.

States themselves are only constructed when calling build, since LexerState objects are immutable and the goal of the DSL is to provide a way to configure them.


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object Default

Special object for using the default class in the Niwen Lexer DSL


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open override fun build(): LexerState
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Add a matcher to this state that matches the recognizer (or pseudo-recognizer) on the left to the token type on the right.

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Create a recognizer that recognizes the given regular expression. Use this before isToken to create a matcher that matches against a regular expression.

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operator fun TokenMatcher.unaryPlus()

Add an already defined matcher to this state


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State label for the default state.

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Anything that matches the given recognizer (or pseudo-recognizer) exactly will be ignored when encountered. This would be equivalent to a isToken that does not actually create any token.