Package-level declarations


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abstract class BodyBuilder(context: OpenApiDslContext) : BodyDsl

A default builder for anything that needs to implement BodyDsl.

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DSL for body-like objects, i.e. objects that contain a "content" property.

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fun interface Builder<out T>

Interface for anything that "builds" into T.

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data class ContentType(val contentType: String)

A content type.

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class HeaderBuilder(context: OpenApiDslContext) : HeaderDsl, Builder<Header> , Buildable<Header>

Builder for ResponseDsl

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DSL interface for response headers

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class InfoBuilder : Builder<Info> , Buildable<Info> , InfoDsl

Builder object for the info object.

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interface InfoDsl

DSL for the info object.

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class MediaTypeBuilder(context: OpenApiDslContext) : MediaTypeDsl, Builder<MediaType> , Buildable<MediaType>

A builder for MediaTypeDsl.

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interface MediaTypeDsl

DSL for media type objects(

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data class MultiContentType(val types: List<ContentType>)

Represents multiple content types. This is useful for functions that can be applied to multiple content types at a time (mostly for the sake of concision).

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This interface is passed to most of the builder classes and provides utilities that need to be present through the "DSL tree".

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A version of the OpenAPI standard. This only includes the x.y part of the x.y.z version scheme.

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class OperationBuilder(context: OpenApiDslContext) : OperationDsl, Builder<Operation> , Buildable<Operation>

Builder for OperationDsl

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interface OperationDsl

DSL for the operation object.

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class ParameterBuilder(context: OpenApiDslContext, name: String, kind: ParameterKind) : Builder<Parameter> , Buildable<Parameter> , ParameterDsl

Builder for ParameterDsl

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DSL for

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The kind of parameter (i.e. its location).

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class PathBuilder(context: OpenApiDslContext) : PathDsl, Builder<PathItem> , Buildable<PathItem>

Builder for PathDsl

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interface PathDsl : OperationDsl

DSL for the path item object.

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class PathsBuilder(context: OpenApiDslContext) : PathsDsl, Builder<Paths> , Buildable<Paths>

Builder for PathsDsl.

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interface PathsDsl

DSL for the paths object.

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Interface that contains standard content types.

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class RequestBodyBuilder(context: OpenApiDslContext) : BodyBuilder, RequestBodyDsl, Builder<RequestBody> , Buildable<RequestBody>

Builder for the request body DSL

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class ResponseBuilder(context: OpenApiDslContext) : BodyBuilder, ResponseDsl, Builder<ApiResponse> , Buildable<ApiResponse>

Builder for Response objects, implementing the ResponseDsl.

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interface ResponseDsl : BodyDsl

DSL for

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class RootBuilder(context: OpenApiDslContext, infoBuilder: InfoBuilder = InfoBuilder(), paths: PathsBuilder = PathsBuilder(context), securitySchemes: MutableMap<String, SecuritySchemeBuilder> = mutableMapOf()) : RootDsl, InfoDsl, PathsDsl, Builder<OpenAPI> , Buildable<OpenAPI>

Builder for the RootDsl.

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This is the root DSL object for the Tegral OpenAPI DSL.

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class SecuritySchemeBuilder : SecuritySchemeDsl, Builder<SecurityScheme> , Buildable<SecurityScheme>

Builder for the security scheme DSL.

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class ServerBuilder(url: String) : ServerDsl, Builder<Server> , Buildable<Server>

Builder for ServerDsl.

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interface ServerDsl

DSL for the server object.

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An implementation of OpenApiDslContext that keeps context information for Swagger Core.

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class TagBuilder(name: String) : TagDsl, Builder<Tag> , Buildable<Tag>

Actual builder for TagDsl.

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interface TagDsl

DSL for the tag object.

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interface TagsDsl

DSL for the objects that can contain tags listed by name.


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fun openApi(builder: RootDsl.() -> Unit): OpenAPI

Entrypoint for the Tegral OpenAPI DSL.

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inline fun <T> MediaTypeDsl.schema()

Set the schema to be of type T.

inline fun <T> MediaTypeDsl.schema(example: T)

Set the schema to be of type T, with the given object set as the example.

fun <T> MediaTypeDsl.schema(ktype: KType, example: T)

Set the schema to be of type ktype, with the given object set as the example.

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fun OpenAPI.toJson(version: OpenApiVersion = OpenApiVersion.V3_0): String

Dumps this OpenAPI object to a JSON string.

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fun OpenAPI.toOpenApi31(): OpenAPI

Converts this OpenAPI object to a version 3.1 OpenAPI object.

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fun OpenAPI.toYaml(version: OpenApiVersion = OpenApiVersion.V3_0): String

Dumps this OpenAPI object to a prettified YAML string.


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Sets the type of this security scheme to API key.

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Sets the type of this security scheme to HTTP.

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Sets the location of this security scheme to be in a cookie.

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Sets the location of this security scheme to be in a header.

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Sets the location of this security scheme to be in a query parameter.

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Sets the type of this security scheme to Mutual TLS.

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Sets the type of this security scheme to OAuth 2.

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Sets the type of this security scheme to OpenID Connect.