
Represents a feature that provides configuration sections. These sections will be automatically parsed from Tegral configuration files within the [tegral] section.


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abstract fun createConfigObject(): T

Create an object that will be used as the receiver parameter for install(MyFeature) { HERE }

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abstract fun ExtensibleContextBuilderDsl.install(configuration: T)

Callback when this feature is installed onto an environment.


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Returns the sections that this feature provides for the [tegral] section.

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open val dependencies: Set<Feature<*>>

Dependencies for this feature. Dependencies are features that will be installed together with (but not necessarily before) your feature.

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abstract val description: String

A short description of what your feature provides.

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abstract val id: String

The identifier for this feature. Should be a lower case kebab-case string (e.g. this-is-my-feature).

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abstract val name: String

The name for your feature, e.g. My Feature.