Builder for the RootDsl.
Adds a path with the given string and creates a "DELETE" operation on it.
Adds a path with the given string and creates a "GET" operation on it.
Adds a path with the given string and creates a "HEAD" operation on it.
Adds a path with the given string and creates a "OPTIONS" operation on it.
Adds a path with the given string and creates a "PATCH" operation on it.
Adds a path with the given string and creates a "POST" operation on it.
Adds a path with the given string and creates a "PUT" operation on it.
Adds a security scheme to this OpenAPI document with the given string as the name, using the lambda to configure further options.
The email address of the contact person/organization for the exposed API. THis must be in the form of an email address.
The identifying name of the contact person/organization for the exposed API.
The URL pointing to the contact information for the exposed API. This must be in the form of a URL.
A short summary of the API.
Description for additional external documentation for this API.
URL for additional external documentation for this API.
An SPDX license identifier for the API.
The license name used for the API.
A URL to the license used for the API. This must be in the form of a URL.
A URL to the Terms of Service for the API. This must be in the form of a URL.